Sunday 29 April 2007

Out and About

Bonjour bonjour,

Mon dieu. Finally I get my own weblog, and the only time I'm allowed out of the flat is to climb a volcano.

There'd better be some sort of reward for all this.

Sacré bleu! Now that's what I'm talking about...

If they don't give me some more interesting assignments soon, I am going to hit the bottle.


Don't forget to visit TiggerTours for more stories of M Lapin and friends.

Thursday 29 March 2007

Welcome to the BunnyBlog

Bonjour mes amis, et bienvenue.

This is the story of Monsieur Lapin, a reformed-alcoholic French bunny. Hopefully it will soon rival its sister weblog TiggerTours for tales of raw animal fun.

M Lapin says: "Oui, oui. I'm smaller, faster, stealthier and can gain access to more difficult places than the fat tiger. Oui, oui. Zut alors, etc."

Let the fun begin....

M Lapin.

Don't forget to visit TiggerTours for more stories of M Lapin and friends.

BunnyBlog bunnyblog BunnyBlog bunnyblog
BunnyBlog bunnyblog BunnyBlog bunnyblog
BunnyBlog bunnyblog BunnyBlog bunnyblog